Some EKA parents have received notification about immunizations. Annually we submit data for 2nd and 7th graders; however, this year, a nurse has come into audit all of our records. We have found that approximately 75% of our student body is out of compliance with Texas state laws. Fortunately, as we have progressed through this audit, a few factors seem to be the cause and all are easily rectified with the most up-to-date record of immunization from your pediatrician.
1. Record on file is out of date and shots have occured since submission of record on file
2. New law regarding varicella (chicken pox) vaccine and the reporting of the vaccine: students in grades K-1 and 7-8 must have two doses and 2-6 must have one dose (graduated system; in a few years time all students will have two doses); unless, a child has a documented past illness of chicken pox.
3. New law regarding Dtap and IPV vaccines - all children must be vaccinated on or after their 4th birthday. There is a 4-day grace period prior to their 4th birthday, but anymore time before that, the child is out of compliance
As state above, for the most part, just reception of a most recent complete immunization record should do the trick to put us back into state compliance.
14 years ago