Please email me any clarifying questions or suggestions for next year's edit.
The Eleanor Kolitz Academy is pleased to offer after school programming to enhance each student’s educational experience as well as offer a safe place for students to go once the school day is over.
· Athletics
o Primarily offered to Middle School students, but may be available to fourth and third graders
o To participate, students must have:
§ A 70% (“C”) average
§ Minimal misconduct notations
§ Minimal absences and tardies
§ Approval by their core teachers (Hebrew and Judaic Studies, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies)
o There is a nominal cost for each sport played for coaches, referees, games, uniforms, equipment, and incidentals. The cost will be dependent upon the sport.
o No practices or games on Shabbat
· Homework Lab
o 4:00 – 6:00 pm; Monday - Thursday
o $5.00 / hour; $2.50 / ½ hour, or any part there-of
o Homework lab will only continue if there is a minimum of 4 students pre-registered for each hour
o Homework lab is a relatively quiet place for students to complete their homework or do a quiet activity until their parent or guardian is able to pick them up. Depending on the teacher facilitating homework lab, specific subject help (e.g. Hebrew, Algebra, etc…) may not be available.
o Please provide a snack
o See the Homework Lab section of this Handbook to see more detailed policies regarding Homework Lab
· Specialty Activities
o As they are available, students will be able to participate in specialty activities such as Chess, Drama, Art, Music, etc…
o Cost will be dependent upon the cost of the educator and materials
Cost will be dependent upon the activity, the cost of the educator, and the materials needed for the program to take place.
Times and dates will be dependent upon the availability of the educator. This information will be made available at the start of the school year and as activities become available.
14 years ago