The math curriculum covers a variety of concepts at each grade level, all of which require a solid mastery of basic skills to be able to master those concepts. Our students spend time each year reviewing the “math facts” and learning a new one with different operations, but we would like to see a stronger mastery level across the board. This year we expect that each child will be able to demonstrate at least 80% mastery with assignments and assessments that deal with “math facts”. These basic math facts ease the speed and understanding of higher math concepts such as fractions, decimals, and algebraic equations.
The guidelines are as follows:
By the end of Kinder they should know their addition math facts with speed and accuracy.
By the end of first, they should know their addition and subtraction with speed and accuracy.
By the end of second they should know their addition, subtraction, and the 0,1,2,5,10,11s of multiplication with speed and accuracy.
By the end of third they should know their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts with speed and accuracy.
By the end of fourth they should have practiced these with speed and accuracy throughout the year- and everyone should have strong skills in this area.
The teachers will give weekly math fact assessments, and the students will demonstrate at least 80% mastery on each of those. For the students that do not, they will be asked to take additional assessments in the mornings, at lunch, or for a few minutes of their recess time. The assessments will continue throughout the year. It is critical that all of our students have a strong foundation in math skills and basic operations in order to easily progress through math concepts.
In addition to mastering math facts, we are also working on understanding the language of math. This year, we will more formally introduce and use the language of math in and out of class. There will be vocabulary section in their binder that will include math terms. Some of the classes will have vocabulary quizzes and the teacher will instruct using the correct terminology from the beginning.
Finally, parents have an expectation at home to work on math facts with their children. Whether flash cards, workbooks, games, etc.. are used, it doesn't matter, the more practice the better the students will become with their math facts.
14 years ago