Communication between all school stakeholders is key to student success at the EKA.
Between Parents and Faculty / Staff
1. Families are required to check the EKA Blog daily where school and grade specific information will be
posted. Families will receive a daily reminder with an attached link to easily check the blog.
2. Email is the preferred method of contact between individual families, teachers, and administrators. Via
email, phone conferences and/or meetings can be arranged. If email is inaccessible, please call the school
office, 210-302-6900 and leave a message.
3 Expect a 24-hour (48-hours if it is Shabbat or a holiday) email or phone call return time.
4. For questions / comments specifically about your child in a particular class, use the following contact
a. Teacher
b. General Studies Principal or Hebrew/Judaic Studies Director
c. Head of School
d. Board (via Grievance structure, see Grievance Policy in this handbook)
5. For all other questions and comments, use the job description chart on p.5 to appropriately direct your
6. Academic progress will be communicated via four progress reports and four report cards (two in
Kindergarten. In addition, it is mandatory that parents attend at least two parent / teacher conferences.
7. When parents plan to be out of town, it is extremely important that the school is notified. A written note
containing the names of those individuals in charge of the home, carpool arrangements, and telephone
numbers where parents may be reached must be sent to the office before parents leave.
Between Parents and Students (during the school day)
1. Parents may call or email the school office to relay a message to their child.
2. Students are allowed to use the office phone under the guidance of faculty or staff.
3. Carpools and after-school visits or programs should be arranged the night before. Please make sure your
child knows where he/she is to go, when and who will pick him/her up, and notify the office if necessary.
4. Students may not use cell phones during the school day. All phone contact must be made through the office.
14 years ago