It is the EKA’s desire students experience success, accept responsibility for their own work, and make the transition from year to year as easily as possible. Therefore, in order to pass one grade to the next, a student must have a cumulative year-end passing grade in all core subjects (Hebrew, Judaic Studies, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies) and completed the required number of Chesed hours.
1. Students and parents will be notified through progress reports as to whether a student is at risk of failing.
2. The school will meet with parents to discuss steps that need to be taken to pass the course.
3. The student may require tutoring, remedial assistance or counseling. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide such tutoring and assistance.
4. Failure in any subject will require work to be made up with either a school-approved tutor or an approved summer school program.
5. Tutoring and summer school is at the parents’ expense.
6. Upon satisfactory submission of the required work and/or proof of attendance in a required program, the student will be notified of promotion.
7. In the event that the student does not satisfactorily complete the required work, the student will repeat the entire year in which the course was failed.
14 years ago