There have been changed to the attendance policy ... it is detailed below; however, the biggest change is regarding Morning Drop-Off:
Morning Drop-Off is from 7:40 until 7:55. All students must be in their classrooms and ready to go for the day at 8:00 am, Sharp!
1. The school day starts promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. (3:00 p.m. for kindergarteners without older siblings in the school).
2. Morning drop-off begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 7:55 a.m.
3. Afternoon pick-up begins at 3:30 p.m. and ends approximately 3:45 p.m.
1. Schools-On-Inet (SOIN) will automatically email you of your child’s absence from school or class.
2. When a student is absent, due to illness or a planned event, email or call 210-302-6900 before 10:00 a.m each day of the illness or the week before the planned event and include duration. A doctor’s note to keep on file is highly encouraged.
3. If a family wishes to have missing work sent home due to illness, please notify the school at or call 210-302-6900 on the second day of the illness by 10:00 a.m. Teachers will make every possible effort to send assignments for students to the office by 3:15 p.m. Assignments can be picked up in the office by a parent or by another child. When possible, assignments may also be sent by email at your request.
4. Due to teacher’s adjusting their lessons to the needs of their students, assignments missed due to a prolonged planned event (e.g. trip) will be given upon the child’s return to school. All families should understand that additional time at home may need to be devoted to making up missing work upon a child’s return to school. Due date of missed assignments will be at the teacher’s discretion.
5. If a test is scheduled for the day of the student’s illness, he/she must be prepared to take it the day after his/her return to school or at another time set by the teacher and student.
6. Students with excessive absences may not be promoted to the next grade level at the end of the year. It is our policy that a student may not be given credit for a class missed 15 days. The student will lose credit unless each and every class is made up in an acceptable manner at the discretion of the teacher (possibly at a cost, if tutoring is essential). Unusual or extenuating circumstances would be a basis for appeal of this policy via the Head of School.
A student will be marked absent for the following reasons:
• Vacations/trips
• Appointments
• Illness
• Suspensions
A student will not be counted absent in the event of the following:
• School sponsored field trips or activities
• Death in the family
• High school visits of up to 2 days by 8th graders
Early Dismissal
1. Leaving school for appointments during the school day is discouraged. If unavoidable, please send a note to the school office (ask your child to drop it off before heading to class) or call the school office.
2. When a child leaves school during the day, his/her parents must check him/her out through the school office and check in upon return. Early dismissal ends at 3:15 p.m.; after that time, students will be dismissed at the regular dismissal time.
3. At no time will a teacher release a student directly to a parent from a classroom, or will a parent pick-up or drop-off their child to the classroom.
4. It is the student (or parent’s responsibility for young children) to ask or email the teacher whose class was missed for the missed assignment/s.
1. A student is considered tardy when they are not in their class prepared to learn at the start of that class.
2. SOIN will automatically notify parents when their child is late to school or class. It will also be recorded in the students’ agenda.
3. Students will be considered tardy at 8:01 a.m. (and any time after the start of a class in Middle School)
a. Tardy Kindergarten – 4th Grade students must be accompanied into the building, dropped-off in the office, and signed-in by a parent
b. Middle School students may be dropped off at the front of the school and report immediately to their first period class.
14 years ago