Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PSIA: Private School Intersholastic Association

Dear EKA Families:

Unfortunately, the EKA will not participate in PSIA this year. The San Antonio PSIA historically and currently takes place on Shabbat. We generally travel to Austin because the school hosting there did so on a Thursday. That school is no longer hosting PSIA and the school that picked-it up has chosen to host on Shabbat.

There are two locations hosting on a Friday. One location is in Giddings, Texas. Though possibly close enough to attend, the possibility of traffic and the need to depart early caused us to reach the decision to not participate. The other location is outside of Dallas.

The Jewish Day School in Austin is in a similar predicament. Though Giddings is close enough to attend, that location filled quickly and clepped out the school.

We are writing a letter to PSIA encouraging them to consider the religious needs of students in Jewish Day Schools and to encourage their hosting schools to open up locations on Thursdays in the future. We offered the Jewish Campus here in San Antonio, but another location was selected.

Please feel free to contact our PSIA Liason with questions or comments: davisk@eka-sa.org


Allison Oakes and Kathryn Davis