Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Barnes and Noble Gift Cards Available

PIE is selling Barnes and Noble Gift Cards (10 and 25 dollars each) as a fundraiser. They are great holiday gifts and the school receives a percentage of the sale.

If you used your gift cards at the book fair we receive an additional percentage. It's like a double donation!

Call the office (302-6900) or stop in to buy.

Information about book fair - click on links below.
EKA Book Fair Nov. 7

EKA Book Fair Nov. 9

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chesed Hours Opportunity
For students in Grades 3 – 8

San Antonio Food Bank Warehouse Food sorting and packing
5200 Old Hwy 90 W 78227
Wednesday, Nov. 3rd from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
(volunteers must arrive 15 minutes prior for the volunteer session)
Open to students 8 years and up.

Adult supervision is required. If your child(ren) are interested in participating, please contact Gina Meishar at: ginazinser@gmail.com or 884-9146.

For those who wish to drive together, we will meet in the EKA parking lot at 4:15 p.m.
We will leave at 4:30 p.m. sharp.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Artworks Fundraiser now Going On…

Packets went home last week, please check the White Letter Size Envelope that went home.

If for any reason you prefer to use a different piece of ART or include art of another child in your family you are Most Welcome to do so. The only criteria is that the art work be Letter SIZE and NO glitter please. You will also need an additional order form for your second or third art work item. Extra forms are in the office.

Please make checks payable to EKA/PIE.

Thank You!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Box Tops for Education
Please bring in your forms for Box Tops for Education by Friday, October 29th.
The class with the most participation will get a “Free Dress Day” during the month of November.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

EKA Fall Book Fair - Volunteers Needed

Sign up for the book fair will, once again, be online at: Click Here to Volunteer .

The Bookfair will take place at the Barnes and Noble at San Pedro Crossing. Volunteers are needed for Sunday, Nov. 7 and Tuesday, Nov. 9.

Your help is needed to make this a success.

Mad Science Demonstration

Calling Kindergarten through Fourth Grades!!
Come take part in the Mad Science Demonstration happening on Monday, October 18, 2010!

We are trying to secure 4 more students to take part in this class, so everyone is invited to "test" it out and see if you like it!!
3:45 - 4:45
Science Lab

Town Hall Meeting

Town Hall Meeting: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Beldon Library
The EKA has the best teachers in San Antonio Initiative (also Administrators)
Open discussion about the EKA Sports Program

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PSIA: Private School Intersholastic Association

Dear EKA Families:

Unfortunately, the EKA will not participate in PSIA this year. The San Antonio PSIA historically and currently takes place on Shabbat. We generally travel to Austin because the school hosting there did so on a Thursday. That school is no longer hosting PSIA and the school that picked-it up has chosen to host on Shabbat.

There are two locations hosting on a Friday. One location is in Giddings, Texas. Though possibly close enough to attend, the possibility of traffic and the need to depart early caused us to reach the decision to not participate. The other location is outside of Dallas.

The Jewish Day School in Austin is in a similar predicament. Though Giddings is close enough to attend, that location filled quickly and clepped out the school.

We are writing a letter to PSIA encouraging them to consider the religious needs of students in Jewish Day Schools and to encourage their hosting schools to open up locations on Thursdays in the future. We offered the Jewish Campus here in San Antonio, but another location was selected.

Please feel free to contact our PSIA Liason with questions or comments: davisk@eka-sa.org


Allison Oakes and Kathryn Davis

Monday, October 11, 2010

DInim Bowl Winners

More than twenty students participated in the annual Dinim Bowl that was held this past Friday at school. The participating students all tested above a 90 in order to participate in the contest.

We extend a hearty Yashar Koach to all the students who worked so hard and a special Mazel Tov to this year's winners.

3-4 Grades
1st Place: Brachah Block
2nd Place: Faiga Marrus
3rd Place: Tamar Cohen

5-6 Grades
1st Place: Devorah Block
2nd Place: Mendel Marrus
3rd Place: Ilan Sonisno

7-8 Grades
1st Place: Ariana Sonsino
2nd Place: Danny Noorily
3rd Place: Eileen Stolow

Monday, October 4, 2010

Target Gives Back!

Do you have a Target credit card? Are you willing to get a Target credit card?
If you have one or if you get one, go to the Target website and list the Eleanor Kolitz Academy as your school of choice and a percentage of your purchases go back to the school!

PIE Meeting Wednesday

PIE Meeting
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
After morning drop-off

Friday, October 1, 2010

After School Programming

Last Wednesday registration information regarding EKA After School Programming went home. The program includes classes in:

Mad Science

The due date for registration forms was today, Monday, October 4th ... we will extend to Wednesday, October 6th!

This is our first foray into After School Programming ... please let us know what else you would like to see for future offerings!

Handbook: Community Service

Student Chesed
The EKA strongly believes that we have a commitment to the greater community. In order to nurture an appreciation of this value and so that students may take an active role in their communities in the future, all students in Grades 1-8 are required to complete pre-approved Chesed hours as part of their promotion to the next grade level or graduation from the school.

Judaic Studies teachers will distribute specific chesed hour information at the start of the school year and are responsible for collecting and recording chesed hours.

The following hours are to be completed by the end of each grade’s year:

Grade 1 1 hour Grade 4 4 hours
Grade 2 2 hours Grades 5 5 hours
Grade 3 3 hours Grades 6-8 10 hours

Parent Chesed (10 or 180 Program for Parents)
All families are required to complete 10 hours of volunteer time at the EKA or donate $18 per uncompleted hour to the EKA scholarship fund.

Volunteer Awards
26 hours and more
Platinum Volunteer
21-25 hours
Gold Volunteer
16 – 20 hours
Silver Volunteer
11 – 15 hours
Copper Volunteer
(Volunteers will be honored at the end of the school year)

Hours may be completed anytime of the year (not limited to the school year) – counted July through June
The volunteering family member must sign-in in the volunteer binder located in the main office
Volunteer hours include and are not limited to:
PIE commitments
Assisting in classrooms
Chaperoning and driving for field trips
Assistance at the administrative or school organization level (e.g. envelope stuffing, organizing closets, etc…)
Committee work (PIE or Board)
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Families – 10 hours per family not per child

New Midah of the Week

Do not roll your eyes, smack your lips, tsk, or show disrespect with gestures
From: Pirkei Avot, Chapter 2, Mishna 10
"... the honor of your friend should be as dear to you as your own honor"
Students see our midah (value) of the week all over the school via banners and signs. The Kinder - Second grades study the value as presented. The Third - Fifth grades study the value and the text translation in order to make connections. The Sixth - Eight Grades study the original text, translation, and value in order to make connections.
It is our hope that you also discuss the Midah in your homes and think about how to rework the value as it applies to your home and the community.